Friday, November 22nd (CET)
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshops about AI and longevity organized by Anton Kulaga, Livia Zaharia and Newton Winter.
12:00 - 2 PM. Lunch
Chair Shivani Kumar, Heales
2:00 pm - 2:10 pm Introduction
2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Carina Dantas. Better sharing of European Health Data. Patients perspectives.
2:40 pm - 3:10 pm Alexander Tietz. Sharing of Health Data and German Longevity Organizations.
3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Hans Constandt. Using SOLID PODs : A Way for Patients to Share Data. Possible connections to the Flemish Data Space and to the EHDS.
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm (Break)
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Georg Fuellen. Bioinformatics for Advancing Longevity.
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Jens Declercq. How Health Data Quality accelerates Secondary Use?
5:00 pm - 5:20 pm Inge Franki. Belgian Health Data Authority (HDA). HDA). Approach in Belgium, working at EU level.
5:20 pm - 5:55 pm Questions and dialogues between the participants of the first day.
5:55 pm - 6:00 pm Closing
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshops about AI and longevity organized by Anton Kulaga, Livia Zaharia and Newton Winter.
12:00 - 2 PM. Lunch
Chair Shivani Kumar, Heales
2:00 pm - 2:10 pm Introduction
2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Carina Dantas. Better sharing of European Health Data. Patients perspectives.
2:40 pm - 3:10 pm Alexander Tietz. Sharing of Health Data and German Longevity Organizations.
3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Hans Constandt. Using SOLID PODs : A Way for Patients to Share Data. Possible connections to the Flemish Data Space and to the EHDS.
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm (Break)
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Georg Fuellen. Bioinformatics for Advancing Longevity.
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Jens Declercq. How Health Data Quality accelerates Secondary Use?
5:00 pm - 5:20 pm Inge Franki. Belgian Health Data Authority (HDA). HDA). Approach in Belgium, working at EU level.
5:20 pm - 5:55 pm Questions and dialogues between the participants of the first day.
5:55 pm - 6:00 pm Closing
Saturday, November 23th (CET)
Chair Ninon Lecoquierre, Heales
9:00 am - 9:10 am Introduction and Welcome for the second day.
9:10 am - 9:40 am. Jan Szollos AI-Driven Data Analysis and Generative AI: Shaping the Future of Longevity Research.
9:40 am - 10:10 am. Oleg Teterin. AI, LLMS and sharing of health data. Latest perspectives.
10:10 am - 10:40 Sofia Palmieri. AI uses in longevity research and treatment: ethical and legal issues.
10:40 am- 11:10 Charalampos Vassiliou. The European Health Data Space for secondary use in
Greece. Steps forward in implementing the Health Data Access Body (HDAB) and other European Initiatives.
11:10 am - 11:40 pm Questions and dialogues between the participants.
11:40 pm - 12:10 pm General discussion about Pseudonymisation, Anonymization, the European legal context and efficiency of the EHDS.
12:10 - 2 PM. Lunch
Chair Sven Bulterijs, Heales
2:00 pm - 2:10 pm. Introduction to the second session.
2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Didier Coeurnelle. European Health Data Space: How can we accelerate?
2:40 pm - 3:10 pm Adam Gries. Better sharing of European Health Data. Proposals of longevity organizations.
3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Ilia Stambler. AI for Healthy Longevity. Situation in Israel and abroad.
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm (Break)
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm David Wood. Solving aging: Is AI all we need?
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Huguette Diakabana. Sharing data at the World Health Organization.
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Questions and dialogues between the participants of the second day.
5:30 pm - 5:55 pm General conclusive debate around the Declaration on Sharing Health Data and Using AI for Healthy Longevity.
5:55 pm - 6:00 pm Closing
Chair Ninon Lecoquierre, Heales
9:00 am - 9:10 am Introduction and Welcome for the second day.
9:10 am - 9:40 am. Jan Szollos AI-Driven Data Analysis and Generative AI: Shaping the Future of Longevity Research.
9:40 am - 10:10 am. Oleg Teterin. AI, LLMS and sharing of health data. Latest perspectives.
10:10 am - 10:40 Sofia Palmieri. AI uses in longevity research and treatment: ethical and legal issues.
10:40 am- 11:10 Charalampos Vassiliou. The European Health Data Space for secondary use in
Greece. Steps forward in implementing the Health Data Access Body (HDAB) and other European Initiatives.
11:10 am - 11:40 pm Questions and dialogues between the participants.
11:40 pm - 12:10 pm General discussion about Pseudonymisation, Anonymization, the European legal context and efficiency of the EHDS.
12:10 - 2 PM. Lunch
Chair Sven Bulterijs, Heales
2:00 pm - 2:10 pm. Introduction to the second session.
2:10 pm - 2:40 pm Didier Coeurnelle. European Health Data Space: How can we accelerate?
2:40 pm - 3:10 pm Adam Gries. Better sharing of European Health Data. Proposals of longevity organizations.
3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Ilia Stambler. AI for Healthy Longevity. Situation in Israel and abroad.
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm (Break)
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm David Wood. Solving aging: Is AI all we need?
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Huguette Diakabana. Sharing data at the World Health Organization.
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Questions and dialogues between the participants of the second day.
5:30 pm - 5:55 pm General conclusive debate around the Declaration on Sharing Health Data and Using AI for Healthy Longevity.
5:55 pm - 6:00 pm Closing
Organized by
Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society)
ILA (International Longevity Alliance)
Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society)
ILA (International Longevity Alliance)